
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Changing America...

A question younger teens often ask is, "Why should I grow up?". If the query derives from a male, then it interprets as, "Why should I be a man?". Godly parents can be your #1 source, but while we're at it, let's check out source #2.

About a year ago, I talked with theological talk show host, Irvin Baxter. He's conservative, so I posed a question, "... What is the most effective way to change America for the good?" In his reply, he placed his sole attention on fighting gay and lesbian agendas, seeing that they are America's most demoralizing threat.

Three months ago, again, I seemingly found another answer to my search. In James Dobson's book, Straight Talk to Men, written 26 years ago, he said this:

Such was the case in response to my prayer for wisdom and insight... But this was God's reply, translated into my own words: "If America is going to survive the incredible stresses and dangers it now faces, it will be because husbands and fathers again place their families at the highest level on their system of priorities, reserving a portion of their time and energy for leadership within their homes.

Baxter and Dobson seem to both come to a common conclusion.  American society today is pulling the rug out from under real men; cheating them by ways of the feminism movements, stripped spiritual leadership, high divorce/fatherless rates, and the 'bumbling dad' Bernstein Bears typcaste. 

In our seminars, and in later blog posts, we will discuss how to fight off these invasions of our manhood.


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